This is Deanna Rose Clarke, #forever29, the reason for the formation of this Foundation. Deanna’s Mom Diane Andrews-Clarke and Dad Greg Peatfield are the organization’s founders. Murdered by fentanyl poisoning.
Foundation Mission Statement:
Holistically supporting individuals and families fighting addiction.
The Foundation:
Foundation Goals:
- Early intervention of the Addiction process
- Fentanyl awareness
- Improve Societal views of Addition
- Educate about post addiction risks
- Provide better ways to connect afflicted individuals to help and for concerned individuals to reach out a helping hand
- Eliminate the scarlet letters, many of these shunned afflictions can lead to depression and other forms of addiction and become a lost soul; Addiction, Alcoholic, Drug Addict, Over Eater, Mental Illness, Emotional Illness, physical/sexual abuse, Prescription Pills, LGBQT
- Assist individuals at risk of addiction/depression such as those experiencing life events including but not limited to; Overeating, Mental Illness, Emotional Illness, physical/sexual abuse, Prescription Pills, LGBQT, financial, work layoffs.
Things we do:
- Provide support to afflicted individuals through sponsorship and/or transport to scholarships as well as provide lists of resources available, confidential introduction, early intervention, counseling, etc.
- Provide support to families of afflicted individuals through transport to visit there loved one, counselling, network support and resources
- Provide direct support to people suffering from addiction with help in communicating to friends/family/organizations/law-enforcement/etc
- Provide direct support to people at risk of addiction with help in communicating to friends/family/organizations/law-enforcement/etc
- Help sufferers of addiction, “Buy more time” to fight their disease through education of accidental and unintended using risks such as education and NARCAN, etc.
- Produce and spread information about addiction; risks, prevention, consequences (accidental & unintended)
- Speak to groups and organizations about our experiences with Addition, Society norms, Grief, and Guilt
- In the event of a lost loved one, we provide assistance with final arrangements, family counseling, and emotional support