CNN: Middle-school children fall prey to fatal fentanyl overdoses

Fentanyl laced

CNN Reports:

At age 14, Alexander Neville was still very much a curious kid. He was a Boy Scout who enjoyed getting outdoors and camping. He played with Legos and liked to skateboard. He slept with a stuffed Iron Man figure and still snuggled with a teddy bear he’d had since he was much younger.

But about a year and a half ago, the middle schooler confessed to his parents about a very adult problem: He was experimenting with oxycodone, a prescription painkiller.
He had no idea that the pills he was taking were actually prescription knockoffs laced with fentanyl, a synthetic opioid. Just a few milligrams of fentanyl can be a fatal dose.
One morning in June 2020, his mother, Amy, found him dead in his bedroom.
“I went to his room, and he was blue, just laying on his beanbag chair…..